Posted in 4th Term, Project Development

Mission Two

Similar to how it is done in Mission 1, a collider GameObject is used to trigger a dialogue script about the instructions to Mission 2 – to get corn bags from the tailor shop owner.

There is a ‘Next’ button which is a collider so user can click to the next page of the instruction Obtain Corn Bags from NPC Hayler (Tailor shop owner). Similarly, a collider GameObject is placed near Hayler to trigger the dialogue. Hayler will inform user that he ran out of cotton to make corn bags, and asks user to buy some cotton from the store.

User is free to roam around to make some interactions or to go to the store directly to buy cotton.

Interact with NPC Brandon (Son of Village Mayor) Brandon is located at the Marketplace. User can interact with him to have a chat and learn about food waste. The interaction concept is similar to other NPCs, where the dialogue script is triggered by a
transparent collider GameObject near Brandon.

If user decides to continue the mission, user will have to walk to the store as stated. A GameObject near NPC Alice (Store owner) will trigger the next scene.


Hello, my name is Nicole Chang. I am a digital media designer from Malaysia. 21 years old & currently, studying at Raffles College of Higher Education in Singapore. This website will be showing my research and development for my final project in digital media. Please feel free to read. =) (Chang Cho Jing, 003DMEP417)

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