Posted in 4th Term, Project Development

Game Intro

Game Intro scene serves as an introduction scene. User will begin in a setting where the user sits in front of a table in his village home. There are a number of items in front of him, including phone,‘Play’ button, book and map.

The phone is a collider object that immediately rings in Game Intro scene using an audio source component. OVR Grabbable is used to allow the user to grab the ringing handset. Audio script and audio source are attached to the object to trigger a conversation from Lean, the farm owner, regarding the situation in the farm.

Play button is a collider that allows the user to start the game. The user can grab on the Play button controller to start playing. A script is attached to the object trigger to Cut Scene.

The book collider is mainly an interactive tool that user can interact with. It is enhanced with OVR Grabbable to allow user to hold and drop the book.


Hello, my name is Nicole Chang. I am a digital media designer from Malaysia. 21 years old & currently, studying at Raffles College of Higher Education in Singapore. This website will be showing my research and development for my final project in digital media. Please feel free to read. =) (Chang Cho Jing, 003DMEP417)

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