Posted in 3rd Term

Term 3 Goals

The goal of this term to start building/ develop my farming game. It will last to the next semester. So, before I start building it, I will need to create my storyline. Also, I will explore some 3D modelling software to create my character models efficiently.

Throughout this term, I will also build my game world, learn some coding to make sure my events will work. I hope everything will go well.

PS: I ordered my Oculus Quest online and waiting for it to arrive in Singapore.


Hello, my name is Nicole Chang. I am a digital media designer from Malaysia. 21 years old & currently, studying at Raffles College of Higher Education in Singapore. This website will be showing my research and development for my final project in digital media. Please feel free to read. =) (Chang Cho Jing, 003DMEP417)

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